by Jenny M and Lilah G

Suspensions are a common way schools handle infractions, but non all suspensions are
the same. ISS (in school suspension) and OSS (out of school suspension) are different, having
different rules and different consequences for students. These differences are important for
students, parents, and teachers to understand.
ISS is being held in the Stampede room this week. While most students only have to spend a day or two in ISS, due to their infractions not being dramatic, it's still not the place to be. You are watched under supervision at all times, you are monitored and taken to the bathroom. No phones and no talking. The most common infractions being vaping and fighting. Student relations office clerk Niurka Reneria Rivas stated “ Maybe at least one a day, on a good day. Then at least 3 to 4 if it’s a bad day. Most common fraction of this is vapes.”, when asked how often a suspension is issued.
But, are suspensions actually affecting anything students do? Baseball coach and hall monitor Mike Polson said “ A little bit of both, I think it’s effective but I also don't, because at the end of the day kids aren’t scared of us nor scared to get into trouble. That’s just how it is, I think it is a little bit effective but it is not the answer.” Although faculty thinks that suspension is making impacts on students actions, it's not. When a student is caught, they should be offered support, not just suspended.
Both ISS and OSS serve as severe disciplinary measures. While ISS keeps students within the school environment, allowing them to continue their work under supervision, OSS may disturb their school progression. Understanding that students may need more than a punishment helps faculty and parents see what further measures they should take, aside from discipline. By addressing the root causes of the behavioral issues in students and considering the long term effects, schools can create a more supportive and effective school policy and disciplinary system.